…."You look like a field!" Tonight, my little brother, Noah, was combing out my hair and playing with it. At one point he had combed it all to one side and told me, "You look like a field!" :
A tag
I stole the tag from missladybug, What color shirt are you wearing today?white, are you tired or hyper?tired, are you ready for christmas?yes i had a lot of fun Is your hair up?yes, what was the last song you listened
Tagged once…and a stolen tag! : )
We got tagged by goatgirl46! The name tag: What does your name mean? Lily or Pure What do you wish your name was? I like my name! Do you go by a different name other then your real name? Yes…and it is
We got tagged by Booklover! 1. Favorite Food?-Enchiladas and chocolate 2. Favorite Animal?- Dogs and goats 3. Favorite Song?- I have lots! 4. Favorite Singer?- Um….. 5. Favorite Book? Well, I like the Christmas Carol Kauffmen books and Lamplighter books
Tagged and Awarded!
We got awarded by gelpenprincess! And tagged by gelpenprincess! Again, like last time….I’m (Suzanna) going to do this and if my sisters are going to do it then they will edit it The It’s All About ME! Tag Appearance: Your
Yea I found it!
I was wanting to put this one on the last post but I couldn’t find the picture. Dearest Mommy found it so here it is….. Do you like it?? Okay got to really go to bed ~Cassia
Tagged Three Times!
Okay, this entry has been saved and not posted since before October 20th! (Because of a few people are not filling in their parts: ) So I decided to just do the tags myself and if they want to…they
City Girl, or Country Girl…A Quiz for fun!
Here is something fun we found on goatgirl46 blog ~How City Are You? [x] I’ve drunk Starbucks more than once in my life [] Sometimes I link arms when I walk with someone [] I shop at AE, A&F,
Six things about…
We got tagged by narnialover95! Code: Jessie #1, Lyssa #2, Suzanna #3, Cassie #4 and Annie #5. -Write six random things about yourself. -‘Tag’ six-or-so other people at the bottom of your post -And leave comments on their blogs
An Award and We Got Tagged!!!!
We got awarded by gelpenprincess!! And tagged by aspiringlilly!! Has 5 people ever done one tag together before?? Here is someone!! Code: Jessie is #1, Lyssa #2, Suzanna #3, Cassie #4 and Annie #5. Have you ever seen a tornado