A while back Anna posted a little update on each of us and my section mentioned that I was moving out of state to continue my midwifery training. I have wanted to post something about my midwifery journey on here
|| 6 months back in Guatemala ||
Life has been so busy, as always. But even so more that I’ve started school, and I am finally finding time to sit down and write about my 6 month mission trip to Guatemala the beginning of this year.
Adventures With A Pilot
(This post was actually from about a year ago…Anna wrote it all up, and then for one reason or another, we never posted it. Enjoy 😉 ) So since Jessica has her pilots license, she’s taken a few of the
Guatemala (again)
It just hit me the other day that I am leaving in 4 months. But I’ll start from the beginning! I’ve always wanted to do mission work, something God placed in me since I was little. It just felt ‘right’.
Haiti Part 3: Prenatal Class (and my first motorcycle ride!)
I have been so behind on posting about my first mission trip to Haiti in June 2015! Between balancing work and college (which is a post for another time…), I’ve been pretty busy! So I am trying to work a
Haiti: part 1
I. LOVE. Haiti!! Looking back, I can’t even remember when it started, but that was a long time ago, so we’ll just leave it at that. Haiti has always (as long as I can remember) had a special place in
A year?!?!
What? It’s already been a year since my Guatemala trip? Woah! It was such an amazing experience, just the way God brought it all together and provided for it!! You go wondering what it will be like, thinking your
Washington D.C. part 4
{click here for part one} {click here for part two} {click here for part three} August 4th-Day 5 Monday morning we packed our bags and headed for home…which we weren’t quite ready for. 😛 Eating breakfast with Margret and
Washington D.C. part 3
{Click here for part one} {Click here for part two} August 3rd, Day 4. We spent the morning at Arlington Cemetery. We got to ride one of the trolleys. YAY!!! We remember when we came here in 2010 and we
Washington D.C. part 2
{Click here for part one} Day 3, August 2–Up to this point in the trip we were having an incredible time, but today was going to be so exciting because we were going to see a lot of the