These two first pictures are actually from yesterday…Anna getting her foods project judged. And Noah getting his farm toy scene judged 🙂 Today they worked on shaving goats…I didn’t get any pictures then, but I hope
4H Fair Judging Week, Day 1: Let the Judging Begin!
We’ve been awful quiet on the blog for a long while, partly because of the 4H fair craziness, and partly because we just let life get in the way. But at any rate, I’m going to try to do
Tutorial: Ruffle Fabric Covered Journal
I came up with this just before last Christmas when Anna really wanted a 5 year diary (almost all of us keep a diary) with a fabric cover with ruffles on it.  More specifically, she wanted raw edges on the ruffles which
T’was Three Days Before Christmas…
…and all through upstairs, projects were everywhere, scattered about!  We obviously couldn’t post this video before Christmas, because then some people would find out what their gifts were, but now that it’s the day after Christmas…we can! 😀 A behind
Cloth Napkins {Tutorial}
[this post was originally posted for Feelin’ Feminine’s   A Chest of Hope column.] A couple of years ago, I was horrified that the price of the cheap paper napkins at the store had gone from $1 to almost $2! Maybe not such a
Sewing a Napkin…
While strolling through our many drafts (why don’t we just post those things?!!), we came across this post Anna wrote about a year ago on Charissa’s birthday.  It was just too cute not to post 😀 Today is
Quilted Potholders {Tutorial}
They’re not really quilted, but they are pieced like a quilt. Very cute, fun, and good practice before doing a large quilt. Starting small when doing piecing for the first time is a good idea.  Potholders are a fun and quick
Headcovering {Tutorial}
A long time ago I promised a headcovering tutorial to one of our friends and blog readers 😀  They are pretty easy to make, but they require patience, which means that it makes for a good project to
May I Have Your Opinion?!
I found this fabric in my stash, and when I bought it I thought it would make a cute apron. Â Now I’m trying to decide if I should make an apron, or if it would be cuter as a
A Christmas Surprise…
Yesterday Susannah and Cassia announced that breakfast was at 7:30 this morning, and to make sure we were there because they had a surprise for us. So this morning we were all sitting around the table eating our