Okay, do you want to laugh?!
Today Mommy, Leah, Susannah, Cassia and I were in the sun room doing some practicing for a few upcoming performances. We had been practicing the Armed Forces medley (Cassia’s favorite), and we were about to practice the Americana Medley (Susannah’s favorite). For some reason Cassia, the all-American girl, didn’t want to play the Americana Medley, so somehow we got into a discussion of what all-American was. Cassia told us we didn’t like football and she did. I told her that George Washington and all of our founding fathers did not play football, so that did not count. She then asked me if I liked the song “I’m Proud to be An American”. I said that I did…kind of…it’s not really my style of music.
Anyhow…right at that time UPS came up and was dropping off a rather large box so Cassia was distracted and ran to the door (which is just around the corner from where I was) as I was jabbering on and said, “The Founding Fathers did not sing, ‘FOR I’M PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN, WHERE AT LEAST I KNOW I’M FREE!!!!'” [ I was singing at almost-the-top-of-my-lungs]
Susannah said that they probably did sing ‘Yankee Doodle’ (which is in the Americana Medley).
Cassia came back and we were bantering some more before I realized that Mr. UPS man most likely heard my solo. I told Cassia, “You opened the door? I didn’t hear you!” and the girls teased me that I was singing too loud 😀 So now Mr. UPS man knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that I’m proud to be an American…and I think maybe he was happy to be free of that large box so that he could run back out to his truck 😀
I would have been embarrassed if he had seen me sing it, or knew us, but thankfully he did not and does not…I don’t think 😀
And now you know what practice sessions look like around here…we’re not just practicing 😀
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I read this aloud to my childhood friend who is visiting me right now and WE WERE CRACKING UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is PRICELESSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I LOVE you, Jessica!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOLOLOL ROFL ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that’s gotta be the funniest thing ever!
It sure was! 😆 I was so glad I was around the corner 😀 Lol! -Jessica
LOL!!! Now if you were out here, our UPS man DOES know us and would have joined right in singing!! Ha ha
LOL, Auntie Jen! 😀 That would have taken me by surprise if our UPS man would have finished the song for me 😀
Wow! What heaps of fun you guys have! The posts are always so much fun-this was the funniest one yet!
Oh that is so funny! I had that happen one time….we were at the blueberry patch, and I was singing Baby to sleep (she’s used to it). I didn’t realize how loud I was singing, but when I got done, I heard applause from the other side of the bush I was picking. Total stranger (thankfully–it’s so much easier it it’s a stranger!), but it sure took me by surprise. 😀 The bush was more like a tree, by the way…it’s a really old patch, so it’s more like a forest!
Hehe! That’s funny! Your blueberry patch sounds kind of like the one we go to 😀 The ‘bushes’ are at least 8-10 feet tall 😀
LOL!!!! That is really funny! At least you sing good!!