The third clue for Project X:
Who is the youngest of the seven sisters?
It’s the fourth letter of her name π
And the fourth clue:
We have company! Remember when we told you about Scott and Kelley coming over in December? Well they are here again for a few days π We are SO happy!!! At first it was only going to be from yesterday to today, but now it looks like they may get to stay at least a day or two more π Yesterday Kelley and I went to our library to drop off some books, and Kelley asked our librarians if they’d like to have Scott do a book signing there, and they seemed very excited about that . When we were going back to the van, Kelley was saying, "Now you know what that means, don’t you? We might have to stay another night!!!" And of course we were all moaning and groaning over that possiblility! I mean, just how are we going to put up with them for another night?! I am just kidding of course!!! We were all quite happy with that possibility!
So last night we had apple dumplings and ice cream, and Kelley and some of us girls played Scrabble while the little girls were watching Scott build a zoo on Zoo Tycoon…they were having the greatest time letting the dinosaurs out and putting all kinds of animals together (such as tigers with the dinosaurs, etc.) : D
Are you wondering what all of this has to do with a clue? Go to Kelley’s blog, and it is the last word of her blog title, and the first letter of that word : )
Have a great day!!!
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the letters so far are artn what??? that makes 0 sence =) are the letters sopossed to spell your surprise?? =) i dont get it??
waiiiittt its armn i read the post again =) but it still dosent make 1 speck of sence =p
MISSMARYMACK for the 2000th time..not really =p
Well so far I got f-a-r-m.
this is fun!
Scott and Kelley AGAIN!… π Sounds like lot's of fun!
Hum- bug! I can't figure out what your clues are up to, and it's about to drive me crazy! Just kidding ('Maaaaa!") π
Much love and hugs to go around!
VERY cut picture of Charissa, by the way!
~TN-L-A-M-GT π