Yes! Finally a blog post!! 😀 On the fourth of July, after a cook out, we went to a nearby town to watch some amazing fireworks! They did a awesome job. I love bokeh! It’s so fun to play around
Wordless Saturday
{Egg} Festivals & Fishing Trips
Remember when the Big Potato met our Big Egg? Every year our town has an Egg Festival and parade during the end of May/first part of June. Little kids can run for the ‘Miss Chick’ and ‘Mr. Rooster’ contest
A Trip to Connecticut
At last…our veeerrryyy long post about our trip almost two months ago to Connecticut 😀  You may want to fasten your seat belts…or at least have a cup of ice tea or coffee and a snack to munch on
I get \o-o/ She gets \o-o/
Back in March, I (Cassia) was becoming increasingly frustrated with my eyes being tired. They got tired when I would be driving, tired when I’m reading music, on the computer, and reading a book, it was frustrating and making my
The Big Potato Meets the Big Egg
It has been much too long since we’ve updated all of you wonderful blog readers 😀  It is too bad that there is not some kind of device that can put your thoughts straight onto a blog post, because
What We Do On Easter Sunday [Part 2]
A few weeks before Easter, Susannah said, “We need to make new matching outfits, all of our other ones don’t fit everybody.” I said, “What?! We don’t have time to make new outfits!” And that was the end of
Wordfull Wednesday: A Sticker Family Moves In
Our cousin Cati came and stayed a week with us back in March, and while she was here, she made us some very cute vinyl decals for our van. She has a business called Love, Painted  where she makes
What We Do On Easter Sunday…
This is one of our many pictures that we took yesterday–more to come later 🙂 Caption anyone?
A 911 Call, Eye Trouble & More!
Now don’t panic, the 911 call was made five years ago, the eye trouble was fixed within the blink of an eye, and the rest, well it’s just some old pictures we were going through and thought we’d share